Motocross Timing Help Needed
At the end of 2025 Andrew & Val Hay will be stepping down from running the timing team and having a well-earned rest.
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At the end of 2025 Andrew & Val Hay will be stepping down from running the timing team and having a well-earned rest.
The NGR and Eastern Centre motocross championships annual awards presentation, were held on the 18th January at Diss Golf Club. The event was very well attended by nearly 100 people. There was a very good mix of riders, officials and helpers of all ages.
The Eastern Centre Marshals Club have some training days coming up for anyone interested in marshalling or any other roles needed to run a motocross meeting.
Woodbridge & District Motor Cycle Club announces a change in the date for its highly anticipated first Motocross meeting of the season at the renowned Blaxhall Circuit. Originally scheduled for Sunday, 20th April, the event will now take place on Monday, 21st April 2025.
The dates for both the Trials and Motocross Awards Nights have been announced, with limited places left....