The much loved and much used Raydon Pit has been the subject of a make over.Forget Gok Wan, this involved diggers, remote controlled flails, rollers and a considerable amount of hard work. Many a Michelin clad wheel has traversed the sandy climbs, dips and curves over the decades but the pit was feeling a bit tired, with the overgrown brambles restricting access to the depths of the Wades Lane site. With some forethought, planning and more than a spades worth of muscle power, the Pit has been transformed whilst keeping the integrity and heartbeat of the venue used for Eastern Centre events for over fifty years.So what’s been carried out ? The entrance road, the Bain of many a front wheel drive van has been graded to allow easier access; the areas overcome by brambles have been cleared, opening up parts of the pit to which some middle aged men exclaimed with glee “ I haven’t seen that since I rode as a schoolboy “ This has also added some much needed additional parking areas. The razor sharp thorny bushes responsible for grazed and bloody forearms, that prevented forward progress on the winding paths have all been relegated to end their days in flames. Yes, some of the existing man made steps have been repaired and joined by others, but the character of the Raydon pit remains as it has and hopefully will do for further generations.
A massive thank you must go to all concerned, which will allow the Clerk of the Course of the organising clubs to layout new, fresh and challenging sections for years to come.