

The official web site of ACU Eastern

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Our thanks to the following companies for supporting ACU Eastern championships……

  • MXGB Blaxhall Report
    Report & photos from R3 of the British Championship round at Blaxhall.
    Go to Report

  • Centre MX R4 Report
    Report and photos from the 4th round, held at Lyng on 16th June.
    Read Report

  • Youth Enduro Champs
    Paula Day's report and photos from the recent youth enduro event at Hadham.

    Go to Report

Why not get involved?

All forms of motorcycle sport require many key personnel for events to take place and there are a number of ways that you can become involved in motorcycle sport without competing.

Centre Announcements

  • Drug & Alcohol Testing
    On Sunday 23 June 2024, Anti-Doping and Alcohol collection officers attended the ACU British MX Championship at Blaxhall where competitors were randomly selected for testing. All competitors selected provided a negative test result.
    The ACU will continue to randomly test across all disciplines during the 2024 season.

Need to get the word out?

If you have an article, results or announcement for inclusion on this website, click on the image above. This will take you to the article submission page or, if you prefer, you can mail the webmaster direct from the link in the page footer.

Over the past couple of years I have had e few users contact me about problems they are having view certain pages on the website. These are usually, but not solely, pages where data is drawn dynamically from a database (such as the Events Calendar). This seems to be a problem only on some Windows PCs using the Microsoft Edge browser, and I have been unable to recreate the issue. If you are have problems viewing information the website in MS Edge, please try an alternative browser like Chrome or DuckDuckGo Go before reporting it as a fault.

Illegal Riding - ZERO TOLERANCE

Illegal activity on Forestry England land is a criminal offence and puts all legitimate events at risk.

The ACU take a zero-tolerance approach to this in partnership with the Forestry England, and local police. Anyone caught illegally riding on Forestry England Land can expect:

  • Your bike WILL be impounded under Section 59 by the Police.
  • You WILL be prosecuted for a criminal act by the police.
  • You WILL be reported to ACU/ AMCA Head Office for a termination of your competition licence. This will be shared with all authorising bodies.