Following on from the post early in the week and which were shared via centre and club Facebook groups we are putting out some facts regarding anti-doping at events. 

This statement and more information can be found on the ACU website. 

The ACU believes that competitors have the right to compete in a fair and – so far as possible – safe environment.  We believe in a clean sport and work in partnership with our International Federation, the FIM (FIM Anti-Doping Code) and RACOO Screening Ltd (RACOO)  to ensure that the integrity of our sport is protected.

The ACU has in place a set of anti-doping rules that all officials, competitors and competitor support personnel must abide by. The FIM work in collaborating to protect National Governing Bodies (NGBs) from doping and ensuring that NGBs such as the ACU are compliant with the World Anti-Doping Agency (Code), the core document that harmonises anti-doping policies, rules and regulations within sport globally.

The Consequences 

Any competitor caught doping can expect the following: 

  • You will be unable to compete in any ACU competitions for a period of two years

Report Doping 

Everyone in motorcycling has a right to complete in a safe and fair environment with an emphasis on safety in motor sport. If you wish to discuss any information confidentially, please contact the ACU Compliance Officer at

Further to this any persons including spectators at an official ACU permitted event found to be breaking these rules will be asked to leave the venue, and if they are with a rider they will also be asked to leave. 

ACU Eastern Centre MX Committee.