'B' Class Round - Raydon
Report and photos from the recent Essex & Suffolk Border MCC trial at Raydon.
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Our thanks to the following companies for supporting ACU Eastern championships……
'B' Class Round - Raydon
Report and photos from the recent Essex & Suffolk Border MCC trial at Raydon.
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2024 Trials Awards Night
Photos from the Awards Night held on 1st Feb 2025.
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Riding in Paddock
Due to an increase in instances of riding in the paddock, the motocross committee will be introducing measures to combat this, including fines, this season.
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Following recent reports of illegal riding in Thetford Forest, to clarify:
To make the position absolutely clear! You are not permitted to ride on Forestry land unless it is at an authorised ACU event (Muntjac and Santon Enduro) or an authorised location such as Hit the Dirt at Swaffham. If you do enjoy trail riding, you must keep to the authorised byways. None of the former Diss MCC enduro courses are authorised for trail riding and this includes tracks or pits on Forestry land adjacent to byways. Ignorance is not an excuse!
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All forms of motorcycle sport require many key personnel for events to take place and there are a number of ways that you can become involved in motorcycle sport without competing.